This amazes me because for a number of years I had lost any creative fire I might have had. I was angry and sad because I didn't know what had changed. I had already been criticized in high school for being TOO creative. It just wasn't something MEN did. (Of course none of us were men in high school. more like wannabes.) But high school (and that age) was all about finding yourself. Little did we know that the quest for finding yourself would turn into a life long journey. I loved all the little creative things I did from acting to writing and drawing. People often we're irritated with me talking about the deep poetic meaning of things and turning everything into a character analysis. But I had enough friends in the area it didn't matter.
Things turned downhill as far as my creativity went when I left for a service mission for two years. Now don't misunderstand me. The whole church service thing was a growing experience with it's benefits. However the rules seemed to keep me down. The rules were very strict and meant that there could be no musical instruments in the apartments, we could watch no T.V. and could listen to no music unless it was a church approved item, and that we weren't supposed to think about anything besides God for two years.
I had NO creative outlet available to me. Any time I started anything creative, writing a story about elves, drawing pictures of anime characters, writing or singing songs, I was smashed down by another missionary. And then I trained myself into the belief that if I tried being creative then I was a sinner. I was constantly told it was inappropriate and that it was distracting and sinful. (Besides men didn't do those kind of things.)
So therefore I finished my two years and came home and the feeling of untrue and unhealthy guilt around being creative or expressing myself remained. I fell into a depression, (and I had already been depressed for a while.) and finally decided it was time to go to some counseling. But for a good year after my return home I remained in this unsatisfied uncreative state.
I think it took the support of my girlfriend (and soon to be wife) that really kicked things into gear. She showed faith and support in anything I attempted. And for some reason this year as summer finally began to fade into the beautiful darkness of autumn and the looming presence of winter kicked my creativity into gear. I joined National Novel Writing Month. I began writing a campaign for the World of Darkness RPG. I began designing a board game. I began writing my own RPG book. and to top it off I made chili, Lembos bread, and almond cookies for this activity!
I began to cry as I thought about this. I was filled with so much joy. The beauty of autumn, the blessing of marrying the most beautiful woman in the world, brought me back to life from the creatively dead. I first noticed as I walked to my fiance's house one day and observed the beauty of the autumn and was having all the beautiful flowing ideas flowing through my head and my body. And the simple fact that I was having imaginative thoughts again was wonderful. I began to cry watching the leaves fall and being so happy and content.

Then as I thought about the chilli, I stumbled upon a recipe for Elvin Lembas Bread! I couldn't resist! I had to make that to go with the chilli! it was just TOO perfect! It had the most delicious and slight lemon flavor. It's really easy to make and sooo good! And then being the nerd i am (and I love being a nerd! because I had lost it for too long!) I made green leaves out of paper and decorated the tray! I even wrapped one like the one they eat in Lord of the Rings! It looked so pretty!

It was a blessing. And the realization that we will be married in a few days made it all the sweeter.
This is why I love to cook, and direct theatre, and do crafts, and so on. We all need to be creative! Have you read Elder Uchtdorf's talk called "Happiness, Your Heritage?" It was given at the Relief Society Meeting so maybe not, but he talks about what it means to create. I really like it. And isn't being married great! It's nice to have someone who understands you so well. I often think how much Heavenly Father loves me because he put someone in my path that is my best friend. Glad to know you've found your best friend :)
ReplyDeleteI have read that talk. I believe so. How long ago did it come out because I'm pretty sure I read it on my mission. I find I get more stressed and depressed when I don't have a creative project of some sort coming out. So that's why I'm planning on having a cluster in creative writing. I want to be able to write for fun! I think it would be great to write novels for young adults!